Tuesday 23 January 2007


I've been invited out (not just me, but the whole dept.) with the CIO and VP for drinks and maybe something to eat tonight. I'll probably go, but its one of those awkward situations where you have to be careful what you drink and what you say. This is why its rare that I socialise with work collegues, especially around alchohol. Dont get me wrong, Im not the sort of person who would get drunk and say something they shouldn't, but other people might and they might say something to me they shouldnt. And then it could all turn a bit nasty.
In this sort of situation I find that Im very aware of my behaviour - almost as if Im watching myself on TV... actually, a better analogy would be controlling myself in a video game. Making sure I say the right things, show enough interest in conversations etc. Why didn't I just say "No" to the invite, I hear you ask - well, I could have done but its the CIO - it'd be rude not to when he's paying on his corporate card, wouldn't it!?
Its the first time in quite a while that Im excited about some new album releases. Thing is, Im torn between downloading them from AllOfMP3, or buying the CD's themselves. The albums Im looking forward to are:
"Wincing The Night Away" by The Shins
"Hats Off To The Buskers" by The View
"The Good, The Bad And The Queen" by The Good, The Bad And The Queen
What to do, what to do...

Update: An interesting evening, was not as bad as I thought as I didn't really 'mix' with the guys from the U.S. Surprisingly, even though I only had three pints, I felt a little squiffy (if thats not too much of a 1950's term) and needed a curry when I got home. Which turned out not to be too nice... so a disappointing end to the night really.

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