Thursday 11 January 2007

Be gentle, its my first time

So, Im sitting in an .ASP training course, and inspired by the trainer Darren Burford (future 2007 IITT Trainer of the year - ) I have created my own blog.
Im not too sure what will be appearing in this - but as you can guess from the title a LOT of things annoy me and its nice to have somewhere to voice these without the risk of upsetting someone enough to get a smack in the back of the head.

There is always the question of who will read this. Anyone? Only people I tell about it? Will word of mouth actually do anything for it? Who knows? This is why choosing the content is a bit of a problem. And as for frequency of updates... No idea. Daily? Bi-Daily? (Is that a word?) I'll have to see what happens (and how long I can be @rsed to do this. However, those who know me know a LOT of things wind me up!)

First rant of the day: London Underground (cue moans and groans about "Yeah we know we've heard that before"). Those who know me know I do not use London Underground on a daily basis. However, it seems that when I do, at some point SOMETHING will happen to wind me up. Today, on the journey to this very course, I had to change trains at North Acton (the one I was on developed a 'technical fault' - seemed to be running fine to me). THEN there were signal failures on the line, so for about 5 stops it was "stop - start -sudden stop - watch fat lady fall over - start - sudden stop - hear fat lady swear as she nearly fell over again" etc. I knew it was too good to be true to get to this course every day without SOMETHING happening. Ba$tard$.

As a side note to that - is it bad to say that watching people who are "overly blessed in the body mass department" fall over can be funny?

Anyway - feeling quite proud that this is my first post online - and I want to re-assure all my listeners that I will endevour to be HONEST on here, and not write what I think people want to read.

So there you go.


Anonymous said...

another thing about London Underground. Why, whenever they make a public service announcement, do they choose someone who cannot speak English?!

Anonymous said...

why didn't you give the fat lady your seat?

Simon said...

... Because I am a lazy person.

Anonymous said...

> and inspired by the trainer
oh no what have I done? :-)

> future 2007 IITT Trainer of the year
well hopefully, there is stiff competetion so I'm pretty pleased to have made it to the finallist stage