Friday, 23 January 2009

Friday at last

Another case of opening an email first thing in the morning and being wound up - gets the blood pressure up before I've even finished my first cup of tea, which is never good.

Anyway - out with 'the boys' tonight for a drink and a curry, which I'm really looking forward to.

I had some bad news about Jake's football - his match this Sunday has been called off AGAIN! That's four games that have been called off now, really annoyed, as he trains really well but then can't play in a match!

I'm off up to Birmingham on Monday, staying over until Tuesday, and I need to get a load of preparation done (i.e. finish some coding) before then, so it will be a case of ear phones in, music on, and keeping my head down today. Woe betide anyone who thinks they can monopolize my time...

Soundtrack of the day: I haven't decided yet, probably RANDOM.
Update: Turns out it was "The Seldom Seen Kid" by Elbow. A great album...


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