Saturday 29 January 2011

Weekend update

Hello children.
So it's been a good weekend so far. On Friday I actually got that 'Friday feeling' that people talk about - I was in a really good mood and really looking forward to the weekend. I've spent today shopping where I splurged and treated myself to a new iPod. The reason being my old iPhone is being donated to no. 1 son but I still want to have a portable music source for when I walk anywhere and when I'm at work. But rather than spend hundreds of pounds on a iPod Touch I bought 160GB iPod Classic. And it's awesome.
This evening I'll be chilling with said no. 1 son and relaxing. Tomorrow I'm playing football and then taking it easy before work on Monday... maybe uploading some more CDs up to iTunes for loading to the new iPod.
So that's about it so far. I hope you've all had a good one so far.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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