Wednesday 7 November 2007

Spouting off on decisions

This is the post I started to write in the previous one...
So its halfway through the week and so far I've been up to hospital and Im walking on crutches... does anyone else ever think how their lives change due to one simple little event? I mean, if I hadn't kicked that football the way I did, so I had to chase that little boy to get it back, I wouldn't have run into that hole in the ground and turned my ankle over, which means it wouldn't have been weakened enough for me to turn it over again on the Sunday. I know, a lot of things in life are decided by seemingly meaningless decisions, but it makes you think, doesn't it? Well it does me. I wonder how my life would have been different? I mean, I would have come to work on Monday instead of going to hospital... I could have had a car accident. I could have saved someones life. Sometimes I think there's too much to think about, too much going on in the universe, and not enough time to think about it. You can see why people go away and become hermits, or go live on an island somewhere just to meditate and think about life.
Another example of this is when I have actually had a car accident. If I had left home even 30 seconds later, or earlier, I wouldn't have made that gap in the traffic, to get to that point in the queue, to hit that car. Which brings up the subject of premeditation and fate and all sorts... too much to go into in one post. Anyway, deep thought for the day. Have a good Wednesday people.

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