Tuesday 10 April 2007

Peace and quiet

I was alone for the Easter weekend. The family went up to the in-laws on Saturday morning, so I had the whole weekend (plus today and tomorrow) on my own. Although I enjoyed the peace and quiet, and it was nice being able to relax and have a bit of self-indulgent time, I didn't half miss Jake and Em. I do like my own time and space, but when they're not there, its sometimes too quiet. Oh, and I was supposed to play golf yesterday but got let down at the last minute, so not too happy about that.
So Im at work today and tomorrow, then off on the train up to North Wales to meet up with the family. As I've posted more than once before, as long as the train runs OK, Im going to look forward to the journey. My new laptop should arrive tomorrow (according to an email from the customer services dept. it will turn up between 17.00 and 21.00 (?)) so I could be tempted to take it with me and watch a DVD or something.
I dont know if people are still reading this - and if they are, maybe I shouldn't be forwarding them onto another blog site, but here's one for you techies out there:

Dilbert's Blog

Have a good day people, and I'll post more soon.

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