Thursday 9 August 2007

Last day in the office...

...for 11 days! I have a few hours lefts, then no more office till a week on Monday. Lovely.
This might be my last post for a while, unless I post on Friday. Thanks again to the people who commented on my 'questions' post, and Im disappointed in the people I know have read this and not commented. You can imagine me frowning at you and slowly shaking my head.
If this is the last post for a while, have a good week next week listeners, and I'll hopefully have some interesting things to post when I get back.
Soundtrack of the day: "Leaving Planet Dust" by The Chemical Brothers (old skool).
Link of the day: Basic Instructions (Check out all the archives... they're very funny).

I'll leave you with a thought exercise. You dont have to answer this, but if you want to post your thoughts on how it made you feel, then cool. There are three parts to it.

Picture someone you love or care for a great deal. Someone you trust implicitly and without question. Now...

That person is going to hurt you. They will say "In the next 10 seconds I am going to push a needle into your arm. You cannot stop be doing this. I will push it in and make you feel pain". In those next 10 seconds, how would that make you feel?

Now switch it. Picture that same person. You have the needle. You are going to push it into that persons arm. There is nothing that they can do to stop you. It will cause them a great deal of pain. In those 10 seconds how does THAT make you feel?

Finally - which made you feel worse?



Anonymous said...

it all depends if they were doing it for the good of me or just to be nasty, if it was for the good of my health then i would be ok with it but if it was just to be nasty i would hate them.

if i had to do it i would feel really horrible.

the one that would make me feel worse was if i had to do it to them as i dont like to cause anyone pain or upset.

Anonymous said...

Ok, if they have to do it go ahead, I trust them but not happy about it.

Not happy to do it but if there's no other choice ok, sorry.

The second one is worse.

Anonymous said...

would trust them if they needed to do it. the person i picturered wouldnt do that to me unnecesarily.

i wouldnt want to cause them pain for the sake of it, but if medically then ok.

the second one is worse, feel sorry for anyone who would do that.

Anonymous said...

If somebody I cared about and trusted was going to do something to hurt me, i would guess it would be for my own good, they probably wouldnt enjoy it either

Wouldnt want to hurt anybody else unless it was absolutely necessary

Much worse if you are the one that has to do the hurting

Anonymous said...

I trust that person so i would know that the pain being caused was either necessary or un-intentional, so i would be ok with it.

I would feel absolutely awful about causing the pain.

Being the one who causes pain or hurt is much worse than being the one who gets hurt.

Good question.

Anonymous said...

it depends if that person was wearing a gimp costume or not