Thursday, 5 February 2009

The internet is a big wide place

And there are things in it for everyone. For example - this caught my eye. I checked it out because I used to be a massive fan of Garfield when I was younger. Take a look... click me!
The basic premise (as you will see from the site) is that the site removes the Garfield character from Garfield comics to (and I quote) "...reveal the existential angst of a certain young Mr. Jon Arbuckle." How can someone come up with stuff like this? What made them sit there, reading a Garfield comic, and think "This needs the main character removed because it would make Jon look like he's going through some mental anguish...". Insane! However, after looking through some of the archives, I must admit it is kind of funny...
This got me thinking (again, as I often think this) that the internet really is huge. I know, I know, stating the obvious but have you ever really realised how much stuff is out there and available? I don't think you could think of anything that does not have a site dedicated to it, (or to something very very similar). I don't know, maybe someone slipped some wacky baccy into my tea this morning and I've gone all 'deep'. Anyway, have a good day listeners...


Anonymous said...

what about Captain Pugwash... a classic if there ever was one.

purplegirl said...

Wow ... that's .. umm ... hmm. :) Yeah, the internet is pretty ridiculous. :)